Denise and Aaron Lee’s son Alistair has loved learning at Waterfront Academy. He comes home every day and loves to share with them everything he’s learned. Get to know more about Alistair and his family below.

· What do you love about Waterfront Academy?
We really love seeing Alistair come home and tell us about the things he learned that day. He loves learning and his friends at school.
· Why do you think a Montessori education is ideal for your child?
It really lets him explore learning and allows him to be an active participant in his own education.
· How has learning been during the pandemic? Have you learned anything new about yourselves?
Learning during the pandemic has been hard. We were on our own for six months, staying at home with both parents teleworking, before we enrolled in Waterfront Academy in the fall of 2020. Now, it is much better! We figured out how to balance teleworking and helping Alistair with his home work cycle.
· What is some of your student’s favorite work to do in school?
He really likes learning about the continents and is excited to start learning about countries soon.
· Do you have a funny story from your student about a school day?
Ever since the Christmas Pageant, Alistair has been singing We Three Kings quite loudly at home. He doesn't seem to care that it isn't Christmas time anymore!
· What makes the teachers at Waterfront Academy special to you?
I feel that they really care about Alistair and his learning. He has learned so much even while attending school in the pandemic half day model.
· How did you first find out about Waterfront Academy?
It was Google! We work nearby and I was looking for Montessori schools for him to attend that were close to work.
· If you had to describe Waterfront Academy in 3 words, what would you say? Nurturing, academically challenging and friendly.
· What is the first activity your family is looking forward to post-pandemic?

Travel! We love traveling and seeing new things. Fingers crossed we can visit Europe soon!
· Why is Waterfront Academy's faith aspect important to you?
Aaron and I both went to Catholic school as a part of our elementary education and we feel that it instills a good moral compass.
· Tell us a bit more about your family.
We are a family of four: Denise, Aaron, Alistair and our dog Alara. She is a 10-year-old yellow lab and is best buddies with Alistair. We live in Virginia and Aaron and I work at the Department of Energy. In our spare time, we like traveling and seeing and experiencing new things. We are also hopelessly addicted to Starbucks and frequently stop to get drinks after work and school!
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