Get to Know ... Charlotte, Waterfront Academy Alum
By Kate Oczypok
We had the chance to catch up with Waterfront Academy alum Charlotte who has since graduated and moved on to high school. Charlotte says hi to her former classmates and wants them to know that she misses them!
Charlotte loved learning at Waterfront Academy because of its quiet, peaceful atmosphere and the individual work that enhanced her skills. The school also prepared her to think outside the box.
“I liked how you could lay the materials out in front of you and they were tactile, solid materials, not just a paper and pen,” she said. “Also, I liked the explanations and understanding of why something is the way that it is—for example, understanding how multiplication works using the materials versus simply memorizing the table.”
Charlotte was also a big fan of the science experiments conducted by teachers and students at the school.
Speaking of Waterfront Academy teachers, Charlotte loved that they help each student with their unique learning needs. “They understand you on a personal level,” she added.
Of course, Waterfront Academy students work hard but they also have a lot of fun too. During the four-and-a-half years Charlotte spent at the school, she loved the Easter Egg Hunt and how a teacher would dress up as the Easter Bunny.
“I liked the faith and love in the culture of the school,” she said.
As far as funny stories she remembers, Charlotte recalled the day she was playing the recess game “Ghosts in the Graveyard” and she hid under a bench while her friends were on the bench.
“I grabbed one of my friend Henry’s legs and scared him,” she said. “Everyone was laughing together afterward and it was a fun time!”
Charlotte, who comes from a big and loving family with lots of aunts, uncles and cousins, is looking forward to a trip to see her grandparents and cousins for Easter later this spring.
If she had to describe Waterfront Academy in three words, they would be: calm, helpful and organized.