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Elementary Education Resources

We regularly post articles that parents are interested in regarding, Montessori, Parenting, Family Activities (inside and outside), Child Development, and Developmental Stages on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Since the algorithms on these sites make it easy to miss something interesting, we decided to compile a list of Montessori Resources on Elementary that we've posted over the year.


Cosmic Education: A strange-sounding term that’s actually really cool and the basis for everything we do during the elementary years.

Is your child in elementary or headed there soon? Understanding cosmic education gives parents insight as to how Montessori caters to the needs of children ages 6-12.

A great overview of the Montessori elementary years!

Continuing your child’s Montessori experience through the elementary years is a true gift. We take their specific developmental needs into consideration, and those needs are reflected in every aspect of the program.

Is your child aged 6-12? This means they are in what Montessori called the second plane of development, marked by specific characteristics regarding their growth and learning. Read more about that here.

Cosmic education: curious name, amazing educational approach. Learn more about the Montessori elementary curriculum here.

Your child is almost done with their Montessori kindergarten year. What’s next? Why is Montessori developmentally appropriate?

Recent research used fMRI to look at the brain during learning. In the study, which compared Montessori 8-12 year-olds and students in traditional schools of the same age, researchers found stark differences in the way the two groups reacted to mistakes.


Do you want a tour of Waterfront Academy? You can schedule an in-person or virtual tour.

Do you want to join the Waterfront Academy Knights community? You can apply online.



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